University support

We support Colleges and Universities!

Our measuring instruments are in use at renowned colleges and universities worldwide. With our university sponsorship we would like you to receive the maximum of measuring technology for your budget. Talk to us about individual advice and support.

University funding

Your benefits

Very wide temperature range: Various coolers and ovens available from -263 to 2800 ° C

Various coolers and ovens available from -263°C to 2800°C

Flexible instrument configuration: Gas couplings, high-pressure modifications, vacuum etc.

Gas couplings, high-pressure modifications, vacuum, etc.

Training and service according to your needs: via webinar, at the university or in our laboratories

Via webinar, at the university or in our labs

Customer references

Selection of our international customers

The Chair of Materials Technology (Prof. Dr.-Ing.Werner Theisen) as a part of the Institute of Mateials of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum is focused on the research of newly developed alloys and coatings, as well as on the related processes for their production and application. “(…) our equipment pool of Linseis devices include a LaserFlash LFA 1250, a high temperature differential scanning calorimeter HDSC PT1600, a differential dilatometer DIL L75V PT1600 and an Ohmmeter LSR-3 1100. (…) The Linseis Messgeräte GmbH, Selb, Germany, offers a professional service concerning installation, training and maintenance.”

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Sieber – Chief Engineer, Faculty of Materials Engineering, Ruhr Universität Bochum

The research philosophy at Materials Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University, Germany is quantum-mechanically guided materials design. (…) Targeted application fields are, besides metal cutting and tribological coatings, also energy conversion, and functional as well as bio materials. “(…) The Linseis LSR-3/1100 meets our requirements in a perfect way, allowing for local analysis of the thermoelectric properties of our thin films. Having carried out a large number of measurements since the installation, approx. 6 months ago, we are absolutely satisfied with the performance and reliability the Linseis instrument, as well as the support and service of the Linseis company.”

Dr. Simon Münstermann – Faculty of Materials Chemistry, RWTH Aachen


Request for a university grant

The new chair of your university requires a laboratory equipment? You are looking for a special configuration for your research? You can always contact us when moving to new educational buildings or training for students.

Write to us via the contact form or call us on +1 (609) 223 2070. Our team will get in touch with you.