DIL L75 Nuclear

Vertical nuclear dilatometer for research applications


To the point

Special field of application: Nuclear materials

Since the 1950s nuclear energy is the worldwide most important energy source around the world. With their advantage of clean and cheap power supply, core reactors were undergoing a continuous global improvement during the last 50 years. Meanwhile the reactors of the 4th generation such as very high temperature reactors (VHTR) or sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR) as well as the unique molten salt reactor (MSR) are currently under development and will be the future for nuclear energy.

Due to the research that is done in that field, there is a need of analytical equipment and especially instruments for thermal analysis. Of course these special applications and safety requirements need a lot of modifications of the standard devices, that makes Linseis become the worldwide leader in thermal analysis of nuclear materials as we are the most flexible and most experienced player on that market.

Thermal analysis of nuclear materials

In case of any of the mentioned dangers, it gets tricky to operate the system and also to do service and maintenance.

To avoid such problems, the following points must be solved:

  • The system must be able to be controlled from a safe place (other room, glovebox, hood)
  • All critical parts that have to be accessed for maintenance must be accessible
  • Samples must be placed in the system and removed from the system somehow
  • All components that get in touch with corrosive substances must be able to withstand them

Short overview of other techniques for radioactive samples – Measuring thermal expansion of radioactive samples

The standard instrument for measuring the thermal expansion coefficient (CTE), the Dilatometer, detects the change in length of any sample by LVDT detector systems. For toxic and radioactive samples, it was necessary to remove all electronics and build a special furnace that is separated from the detector. Beside this, the design was also changed to a more accessible setup for maintenance and mechanical changes under glovebox or fume hood.

Another method for CTE determination is the contact free optical dilatometer. It can be used with any atmosphere and the sample does not see any force. For less x-ray emitting samples it can be a very useful instrument, however it can also be placed within a glovebox or fume hood.

Unique features

Measurements under vacuum
and controlled oxidizing or
reducing atmospheres

Highest accuracy and
reproducibility due to
high-resolution inductive
displacement transducer
and thermostatization

Automatic pressure control for
continuous contact pressure
between 10 and 1000 mN

Optional separation of mechanical and electrical
components for use in “glovebox”

Friction-free “Zero Friction”
design, ideal for sintering
studies and ULE materials

Compact design with optional
turntable for additional ovens

Questions? We're just a call away!

+1 (609) 223 2070


+49 (0) 9287/880 0

Our service is available Monday to
Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm
and Friday from 8 am to 12 pm.

We are here for you!


Hard Facts


DIL L75 Vertical*

Temperature range:-263 up to 2800°C
Delta L resolution:0,03 nm
Measuring range:+/- 2500 µm
Contact force:10 mN up to 1 N
Optical Encoder
Delta L resolution:0,1 nm
Measuring range:+/- 25000 µm
Automatic sample length detection:yes
Force modulation:yes
Contact force:10 mN up to 5N
Multiple furnace configuration:up to 3 furnaces
Motorized furnace operation:optional
Gas dosing:manual gas dosing or mass flow controller 1,3 or more gases
Contact force adjustment:included
Single/double dilatometer:optional
Softening point detection:included
Density determination:included
L-DTA:optional (up to 2000°C)
Rate controlled sintering (RCS):included
Thermal library:included
Electric thermostatization of measuring head:included
Low temperature options:LN2, Intracooler
Vacuum tight design:yes
Automatic evacuation system:optional
OGS oxygen getter system:optional
*Specs depend on configurations

Furncace program






-263°C – 300°CL75/264 HeThermo coaxinert, oxid., red., vac.Semiconductor / Pt 100
-180°C – 500°CL75/264Thermo coaxinert, oxid., red., vac.Type K
-180°C – 700°CL75/264/700Thermo coaxinert, oxid., red., vac.Type K
-180°C up to 1000°CL75/264/1000Thermo coaxinert, oxid., red., vac.Type K
RT – 1000°CL75/220SiC, Kanthalinert, oxid., red., vac.Type K
RT – 1400°CL75/230SiC, Kanthalinert, oxid., red., vac.Type S
RT – 1600°CL75/240SiCinert, oxid., red., vac.Type S
RT – 1650°CL75/240 PTPlatinuminert, oxid., vac.Type S
RT – 1750°CL75/240 MMoSi2inert, oxid., red., vac.Type B
RT – 2000°CL75/260GraphiteN2/Vac.Type C and/oder Pyrometer
RT – 2400°CL75/270GraphiteN2/Vac.Pyrometer
RT – 2800°CL75/280GraphiteN2/Vac.Pyrometer


Making values visible and comparable

The powerful LINSEIS thermal analysis software, which is based on Microsoft® Windows®, performs the most important function in the preparation, execution and evaluation of thermoanalytical experiments, in addition to the hardware used. With this software package, Linseis offers a comprehensive solution for programming all device-specific settings and control functions, as well as for data storage and evaluation. The package was developed by our in-house software specialists and application experts and has been tried and tested over many years.
Dilatometer functions
  • Glass transition and softening point determination
  • Automatic softening point switch-off, freely adjustable (system protection)
  • Display of absolute or relative shrinkage or expansion
  • Representation and calculation of technical / physical expansion coefficients
  • Rate-controlled sintering (software option)
  • Sintering process evaluation
  • Density determination
  • Automatic evaluation routines
  • System correction (temperature, zero curve, etc.)
  • Automatic zero point adjustment
  • Automatic punch contact pressure control

General functions

  • Real-time color display
  • Automatic and manual scaling
  • Display of the axes freely selectable (e.g. temperature
    e.g. temperature (x-axis) against delta L (y-axis))
  • Mathematical calculations (e.g. first and second derivatives)
  • Saving complete evaluations
  • Multitasking function
  • Multi-user function
  • Zoom option for various curve sections
  • Any number of curves can be loaded on top of each other for comparison
  • Online Help Menu
  • Free labeling
  • EXCEL® and ASCII export of measurement data
  • Data smoothing
  • Zero curves are offset
  • Cursor function
  • Statistical curve evaluation (mean value curve with confidence interval)
  • Tabular printout of the data and expansion coefficients
  • Calculation of Alpha Phys, Alpha Tech, relative expansion L/L0
  • Curve arithmetic, addition, subtraction, multiplication

Well informed


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