Why Linseis

Why Linseis?

We are your specialist for high-tech measuring devices for thermal analysis, thermoelectrics and thermal conductivity.

We are committed to providing our customers with innovative technologies, customised solutions and services to strengthen their own competitiveness. So that you can develop tomorrow’s innovations today, we rely on devices of the highest precision.

What speaks in our favour?

  • Over 60 years of experience in the development of measuring devices for thermal analysis
  • Customised measuring devices tailored to your industry or application
  • Short paths between development, service and sales

The development and manufacture of thermoanalytical devices requires dedicated research and a high degree of precision work. For us, this is a matter of course for the benefit of our customers.

Meet our satisfied customers:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Moos – Chair of Functional Materials, University of Bayreuth

This is to inform you that the Chair of Functional Materials has been using the Chip-DSC 10 (Chip-DSC L66 Advanced) for four months without any major problems. We purchased the device directly from LINSEIS Messgeräte GmbH in 2019. The device offers us a good service and we are very satisfied with its performance so far. We are also satisfied with the after-sales service. (…)

Dr.-Ing. Sabine Sieber – Chief Engineer, Department of Materials Engineering, Ruhr University Bochum

The Chair of Materials Engineering (Prof. Dr Werner Theisen) at the Institute for Materials at the Ruhr University Bochum is involved in research into newly developed alloys and coatings and the associated processes for their production and application. “(…) Our fleet of Linseis devices includes a LaserFlash LFA 1250, a high-temperature differential calorimeter HDSC PT1600, a dilatometer DIL L75V PT1600 and an ohmmeter LSR-3 1100 (LSR L31). (…) Linseis Messgeräte GmbH , Selb, Germany, offers a professional service for installation, training and maintenance.”

Dr Simon Münstermann – Materials Chemistry (Chair of Materials Chemistry), RWTH Aachen University

The research philosophy at the Department of Materials Chemistry at RWTH Aachen University is quantum mechanically controlled material design. (…) Areas of application include metal cutting and tribological coatings, as well as energy conversion, functional and biomaterials. “(…) The Linseis LSR-3/1100 (LSR L31) fulfils our requirements perfectly and enables local analysis of the thermoelectric properties of our thin films. We are absolutely satisfied with the performance and reliability of the Linseis instrument as well as the support and service provided by Linseis.”

Prof. Fernando Pedraza – Professeur des Universités, Section 33, Université de La Rochelle

“As head of the Surface Technology Group for High Temperature Applications, I hereby declare that we have purchased a LaserFlash Analyzer, model LFA-1000/1600 ° C, and a dilatometer, model L75 VS1600, to analyse the thermal conductivity of metal and ceramic substrates coatings at high temperatures. (…)Since then, we have been very satisfied with the ease of use of both devices, the practical software and the robustness of the results we obtain.”

Dr. rer. nat Tobias Habisreuther – Innovative Photonic Materials, Institute of Photonic Technologies

Since commissioning (…) we have been using the dilatometer L75 VD 1600 C intensively. So far we have not encountered any problems with the hardware (device + data acquisition). (…) New employees are quickly familiarised with the handling of the device. The combination of the two furnaces has proved to be favourable for us – on the one hand because the measurement accuracy could be achieved and on the other hand because measurement tasks in the institute can also be processed alongside the main tasks. (…)

Woon-Hyoung Ryu, Senior Researcher – Umicore Korea Limited

At the beginning of April last year, we purchased an STA L81 (TG-DSC) from Linseis, which was installed by NI International Trading Limited (…). We are very satisfied with the fast maintenance service of this instrument provided by Linseis and NI International Trading for our company. (…)

Doc. Ing. Jan Džugan, Ph.D., R&D Director – COMTES FHT a.s.

We have been using a RITA quenching dilatometer for several years and are satisfied with the device and the services provided by Linseis Meßgeräte GmbH so far. Due to our positive experience with the equipment, we have also ordered a deformation element for the RITA.

Dr José Martín Yáñez Limón, Researcher-Cinvestav-3C – CINVESTAV-IPN Unidad Queretaro

The LFA 1000/1250 is a robust, user-friendly, accurate and precise system that integrates a very friendly software. The system works as expected and has not suffered any significant problems that required a comprehensive maintenance service in these 3 years of uninterrupted operation.

Dr Mark Huijben, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente

The dependence of the structural, electrical and thermal properties on the growth process is investigated in the LSR-3 (LSR L31) system from lens ice up to high temperatures, which allows us to provide helium, oxygen or mixture as background gas for optimal characterisation.

Prof. Dr Peter Weinberger, Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology

[…] We have acquired a high-pressure STA from Linseis, which is used in the temperature range up to 1550 °C and in the pressure range up to 80 bar. We investigate the decomposition reactions of carbonates, hydroxides and salt hydrates under various conditions. The equipment provides us with a good service and we are very satisfied with its performance to date.

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