Investigations of Hydrogen Storage Solutions

As the mass-specific energy density of hydrogen (33.3 kWh/kg) is one of the highest of all fuels, the use of hydrogen for mobility and as an energy storage medium was and is of great interest.

Specific heat capacity

The specific heat capacity indicates the ability of a substance to store heat. This material quantity corresponds to the amount of heat required to heat a certain amount of a substance by one Kelvin.

PCM – Phase Change Material

A second heat reservoir is the simple increase in temperature without a phase change. For such applications, the specific heat capacity of the storage material and its density should be high.

Thermal contact resistance

The thermal contact resistance characterizes the transfer of heat at the interface between two solids.

3D printing in ceramics

Ceramics are used in many areas of industry. As a rule, ceramics are first formed as green bodies from raw mass before this “green body” is then treated in a special way and fired (so-called sintering).

3D Printing Polymers

Injection molding, often also referred to as injection molding or injection molding process, which is based on primary molding. The injection molding machine liquefies the plastic in granulate form.


Biomass is the term used to describe the weight or total amount of living organisms in a given area or ecosystem at a given time

What does thermal conductivity mean?

In general, the thermal conductivity of the expression is the amount of heat that flows through a 1x1x1m cube of a material within 1 second if there is a temperature gradient of exactly 1 K between two opposite sides.