Farewell to a faithful soul

Farewell to Elaine, Linseis’ Dedicated Accountant In a heartfelt ceremony, Linseis bid farewell to their esteemed accountant, Elaine, as she embarked on a well-deserved retirement after an impressive tenure that spanned over four decades. Elaine had been an integral part of Linseis since 1980, tirelessly ensuring the financial well-being of the company. Her departure marks […]

Thermal conductivity of porous carbon materials

Porous carbon materials, in particular carbon aerogels, are the focus of current research. These materials are characterized by an extremely low thermal conductivity, which is mainly due to their porous structure and low bulk density.


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Glass Transition Temperature

The glass transition temperature Tg is a point on the temperature scale at which a polymer or glass changes into a rubbery, viscous state. However, this is not the same as the melting point.

How does a pushrod dilatometer work?

A dilatometer is a measuring device for recording the thermal expansion of a material sample. The thermal expansion coefficient (CTE = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) is calculated from the measurement results.

Crystallization and recrystallization of polymers

The properties of solids depend to a large extent on the arrangement of the particles (atoms and molecules) that make up the substances. If the arrangement is random, the substances are amorphous. In crystalline substances, the particles are arranged at regular intervals and in a fixed pattern.

Curing in thermal analysis

Materials that are processed in a liquid aggregate state generally require a certain amount of time to harden.

Specific heat capacity (Cp) with modulated DSC

The specific heat capacity (cp), often referred to as specific heat, is a fundamental thermophysical property of a material. It says something about the ability to store thermal energy.