Thermal analysis at some point requires temperatures above 2000°C. For example the analysis of graphite or other cathode material for high voltage conductors can easily go up to 2800°C.
These materials do not melt or decompose if heated in inert atmosphere and therefore can be used for that kind of applications. As the thermal expansion of high temperature resistant materials is of huge interest, the Linseis L75 dilatometer series can be equipped with graphite furnaces to enable measurements at the required range.

In this example, a graphite sample was measured by a Linseis L 75 high temperature dilatometer from RT to 2800°C. The sample chamber was evacuated and filled with inert gas before a heating rate of 5 K/min was applied. The green curve gives the absolute expansion, the red curve shows the relative expansion and the blue curve gives the expansion coefficient (CTE). The sample showed nearly linear behavior for the complete range.