Donation handover
In keeping with the city‘s motto “Gutes machen wir Selber” (We do good things ourselves), the Linseis family business supported the Walter-Gropius-Gymnasium with a donation. The school received a gas chromatograph in order to make chemistry lessons even more lively and exciting and thus get more students interested in the subject.
The device chosen by the high school itself can be used, for example, to separate lighter gas analytically, working here with the physical properties of solubility and adsorption. A detector converts the changes into an electrical signal, which is transmitted to a recorder with the aid of an amplifier and from which a so-called chromatogram is created. The instrument works extremely fast, allowing rapid analysis of even very complex mixtures. In practice, such devices are used, for example, in the examination of pharmaceuticals, in doping tests or in air and seawater examinations in environmental analysis.
“With this device, we want to motivate the students and show them what potential and how much fun there is in so called MINT*-subjects,” says the deputy principal, Matthias Grimm. Florian and Dr.-Ing. Vincent Linseis, managing directors of Linseis Thermal Analysis are happy to be able to make a meaningful contribution to the education and training of the young generation and would like to continue supporting schools quickly and unbureaucratically.