Scientific breakthroughs are achieved by scientists who push the boundaries of their field.
Linseis - Thermal analysis & thermal conductivity. Pushing boundaries in science means exploring new frontiers. We make it possible.
Our updated devices and new developments
IBC L91 - Isothermal Battery Calorimeter
PLH L53 - Periodic Laser Heating
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Our professors will explain our thermal conductivity measurement methods and devices to you!
Number 1 since 1957
Technology leader
How new materials have been steadily improving our quality of life for centuries.
Thermal analysis for over 50 years
The beginning

Our company was founded in 1957 by Dr. Max Linseis in the beautiful porcelain town of Selb and has always offered special devices in the field of thermal analysis.
Today, the company is run by physicist Claus Linseis in the
2nd generation and has been able to expand its reputation worldwide with renowned companies and universities from Europe, America and Asia.
With Florian and Dr. Vincent Linseis, the
3rd generation is already a permanent fixture in the company and continues to build on its success through product innovation and customer satisfaction.
Our terrain
Innovation and progress

We manufacture measuring instruments for material analysis in research and quality control.
Thermal analysis, the determination of thermal conductivity and the testing of thermoelectric parameters are among our core competencies.
Short paths between development and production enable us to respond to individual requirements.
We develop measuring devices for your application!
The future

who trusts us
An excerpt of our worldwide customers
From research, the automotive industry, chemicals and many other sectors
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